Day 5

Today was a normal day, getting up going to work, coming home…blah, blah, blah. I did my self treatment tonight. During my meditation I worked on three out of five affirmations. I’m getting to know them a little better so they are coming a bit more easily. One thing that I have noticed is that my energy runs a little smoother and cleaner during my meditations now that I’ve had my Reiki Attunement. When I’m doing Reiki I feel the energy down my fingers as well as in my palms. Sometimes they feel a little prickly, like they had fallen asleep and just woke up. They still get hot too.

There’s nothing spectacular going on today, I’m just generally in a good mood despite lots of stress in my life at the moment.   If you haven’t discovered yet, you should check it out. They have lots of really good articles for inspiration and a greater understanding of developing and maintaining a Reiki practice, both personally and professionally.

2 thoughts on “Day 5”

  1. hi…congratulations on your recent Reiki attunement…and thanks for the link…I’ll link back tomorrow morning when I’m back online…going to bed soon…

    awesome that you got to practice on a mother-daughter at your attunement. My Reiki I & II training was done by a Mother Daughter Reiki Master team…very cool, and I was so fortunate to find ANOTHER Different Mother Daughter Reiki Master team to do my Reiki III and Reiki Master training.

    You have chosen a beautiful path…or perhaps it has chosen you?

    Keep doing the daily self treatments…and don’t be alarmed if you start having some clearning symptoms…I seem to be in the midst of some Master level attunement ones now…yikes.

    blessings & congratulations again!

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