The importance of having a morning meditation and reiki session is not lost on me. Over the past two years I’ve developed an evening practice of meditating and giving myself reiki before bed. It’s been wonderful and helps me to relax and unwind so I can sleep well. Part of the reiki ideals is to meditate on them morning and night. Well, I got the night part down, now on to developing a morning practice.
Every morning I pour myself a nice cup of coffee, mostly decaf, and settle in and enjoy my morning. Since this is already a habit, why not incorporate meditation into it? So that’s what I did this morning, between cat wrangling I sat and did a very brief meditation, saying the Reiki precepts to myself and concentrating on Pranic breathing. It only lasted a couple of minutes, but it’s a start.
The photo at top was snagged from Caribou Coffee, who’s corporate headquarters is just blocks from where I live. I love Caribou, and maybe when my day job goes away I’ll apply there. It would be a super easy commute anyway!